therapy !

As you already know, design is our passion!
So we decided to refresh our website with a high-tech new look and user-friendly navigation, updated with the latest information about our products and services.

and we worked hard !
Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, our new website is more agile, interactive and is easier to scan, read and navigate. We are also using a responsive design, which means tha you’ll see essentially the same design optimized for your smart phone, tablet and desktop.

Take a Peek!
Everything you need for your lift’s automations, is here!
Lift controllers, controllers’ cards, shaft’s prewiring, message/music announcing devices and plenty of electronic systems and spare parts for your elevators.

Stay tuned!
Yes we have to admit! We are quite proud of this new website, so we’ll keep up with the good work. And we still have amazing ideas!
Stay tuned to our Elevators Genius World! is Here!

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